bioontologies.robot Module
A wrapper around ROBOT functionality.
See also
Convert an OBO file to an OWL file with ROBOT. |
Convert a local OWL file to a JSON file. |
Convert a local OWL/OBO file to an OBO Graph JSON object. |
Convert a remote OWL/OBO file to an OBO Graph JSON object. |
Get an ontology by its OBO Graph JSON iri. |
Get an ontology by its OBO Graph JSON file path. |
Get an ontology by its Bioregistry prefix. |
Check if ROBOT is available. |
A dataclass containing an OBO Graph JSON and text output from ROBOT. |
bioontologies.obograph Module
Data structures for representing OBO Graphs.
Represents a definition for a node. |
Represents an edge in an OBO Graph. |
A graph corresponds to an ontology. |
Represents a list of OBO graphs. |
Represents the metadata about a node or ontology. |
Represents a node in an OBO Graph. |
Represent a property inside a metadata element. |
Represents a synonym inside an object meta. |
Represents a cross-reference. |