Source code for bioontologies.obograph

"""Data structures for representing OBO Graphs.

.. seealso::

import itertools as itt
import logging
import typing
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import bioregistry
import pandas as pd
from bioregistry import manager
from curies import Reference, ReferenceTuple
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from import tqdm
from typing_extensions import Literal, Self

from .constants import CANONICAL, IRI_TO_PREFIX
from .relations import get_normalized_label, ground_relation, label_norm

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PROVENANCE_PREFIXES = {"pubmed", "pmc", "doi", "arxiv", "biorxiv", "medrxiv", "agricola"}


MaybeCURIE = Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[None, None]]

class StandardizeMixin:
    """A mixin for classes representing standardizable data."""

    def standardize(self) -> Self:
        """Standardize the data in this class."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def raise_on_unstandardized(self):
        """Raise an exception if standarization has not occurred."""
        if not self.standardized:
            raise ValueError

[docs] class Property(BaseModel, StandardizeMixin): """Represent a property inside a metadata element.""" predicate_raw: str = Field(..., alias="pred") value_raw: str = Field(..., alias="val") # Extras beyond the OBO Graph spec standardized: bool = Field(False, exclude=True) predicate: Optional[Reference] = None value: Optional[Reference] = None
[docs] def standardize(self) -> Self: """Standardize this property.""" self.value_raw = self.value_raw.replace("\n", " ") self.predicate = _get_reference(self.predicate_raw) self.value = _get_reference(self.value_raw) self.standardized = True return self
[docs] class Definition(BaseModel): """Represents a definition for a node.""" value: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="val") xrefs_raw: Optional[List[str]] = Field( default=None, alias="xrefs" ) # Just a list of CURIEs/IRIs # Extras beyond the OBO Graph spec references: Optional[List[Reference]] = None standardized: bool = Field(False, exclude=True)
[docs] def standardize(self) -> Self: """Standardize the xref.""" if self.xrefs_raw: self.references = _get_references(self.xrefs_raw) if self.value: self.value = self.value.strip().replace(" ", " ").replace("\n", " ") self.standardized = True return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_parsed(cls, value: str, references: Optional[List[Reference]] = None) -> "Definition": """Construct a definition object from pre-standardized content.""" if not references: references = [] return cls( val=value, xrefs_raw=[r.curie for r in references], references=references, standardize=True, )
[docs] class Xref(BaseModel, StandardizeMixin): """Represents a cross-reference.""" value_raw: str = Field(..., alias="val") predicate_raw: str = Field( default="oboinowl:hasDbXref" ) # note this is not part of the OBO Graph spec # Extras beyond the OBO Graph spec predicate: Optional[Reference] = Field( default=None, description="The reference for the predicate" ) value: Optional[Reference] = Field(default=None, description="The reference for the value") standardized: bool = Field(default=False, exclude=True)
[docs] def standardize(self) -> Self: """Standardize the xref.""" self.value = _get_reference(self.value_raw) self.predicate = _get_reference(self.predicate_raw) self.standardized = True return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_parsed(cls, predicate: Reference, value: Reference) -> "Xref": """Construct an xref object from pre-standardized content.""" return Xref( val=value.curie, value=value, predicate_raw=predicate.curie, predicate=predicate, standardized=True, )
#: Mapping from shorthand for predicates to qualified references OIO_TO_REFERENCE: Mapping[str, Reference] = { "hasExactSynonym": Reference(prefix="oboInOwl", identifier="hasExactSynonym"), "hasBroadSynonym": Reference(prefix="oboInOwl", identifier="hasBroadSynonym"), "hasNarrowSynonym": Reference(prefix="oboInOwl", identifier="hasNarrowSynonym"), "hasRelatedSynonym": Reference(prefix="oboInOwl", identifier="hasRelatedSynonym"), } #: A mapping from OBO flat file format internal synonym types to OBO in OWL vocabulary #: identifiers. See OBO_SYNONYM_TO_OIO = { "EXACT": "hasExactSynonym", "BROAD": "hasBroadSynonym", "NARROW": "hasNarrowSynonym", "RELATED": "hasRelatedSynonym", }
[docs] class Synonym(BaseModel, StandardizeMixin): """Represents a synonym inside an object meta.""" value: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="val") predicate_raw: str = Field(default="hasExactSynonym", alias="pred") synonym_type_raw: str = Field( alias="synonymType", default="oboInOwl:SynonymType", example="OMO:0003000" ) # noqa:N815 xrefs_raw: List[str] = Field( default_factory=list, alias="xrefs", description="A list of CURIEs/IRIs for provenance for the synonym", ) # Added predicate: Optional[Reference] = Field( default=None, example=Reference(prefix="", identifier="hasExactSynonym") ) synonym_type: Optional[Reference] = Field( default=None, example=Reference(prefix="OMO", identifier="0003000") ) references: Optional[List[Reference]] = None standardized: bool = Field(False, exclude=True)
[docs] def standardize(self) -> Self: """Standardize the synoynm.""" self.predicate = _get_reference(self.predicate_raw) self.synonym_type = self.synonym_type_raw and _get_reference(self.synonym_type_raw) if self.value: self.value = self.value.strip().replace("\n", " ").replace(" ", " ") if self.xrefs_raw: self.references = _get_references(self.xrefs_raw) self.standardized = True return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_parsed( cls, name: str, predicate: Reference, synonym_type: Optional[Reference] = None, references: Optional[List[Reference]] = None, ) -> "Synonym": """Construct a synonym object from pre-standardized content.""" if not references: references = [] if synonym_type is None: synonym_type = Reference(prefix="oboInOwl", identifier="SynonymType") return Synonym( val=name, predicate_raw=predicate.curie, predicate=predicate, synonym_type_raw=synonym_type.curie, synonym_type=synonym_type, standardized=True, xrefs_raw=[x.curie for x in references], references=references, )
[docs] class Meta(BaseModel, StandardizeMixin): """Represents the metadata about a node or ontology.""" definition: Optional[Definition] = None subsets: Optional[List[str]] = None xrefs: Optional[List[Xref]] = None synonyms: Optional[List[Synonym]] = None comments: Optional[List] = None version: Optional[str] = None properties: Optional[List[Property]] = Field(None, alias="basicPropertyValues") deprecated: bool = False # standardized: bool = Field(False, exclude=True)
[docs] def standardize(self) -> Self: """Standardize the metadata.""" for prop in or []: prop.standardize() for synonym in self.synonyms or []: synonym.standardize() if self.definition: self.definition.standardize() if self.xrefs: xrefs: List[Xref] = [] seen: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set() for xref in self.xrefs: xref.standardize() if xref.predicate is None or xref.value is None: continue # if xref.value.prefix == self.prefix and xref.value.identifier == self.luid: # this is a reference to itself, weird! # continue if xref.value.pair in seen: continue seen.add(xref.value.pair) xrefs.append(xref) # we ignore type checking since the loop for construting the xrefs lis # checks that the predicate and value are both non-none self.xrefs = sorted( xrefs, key=lambda x: (x.predicate.curie, x.value.curie) # type:ignore ) return self
[docs] class Edge(BaseModel): """Represents an edge in an OBO Graph.""" sub: str = Field(..., alias="sub", example="") pred: str = Field(..., alias="pred", example="is_a") obj: str = Field(..., alias="obj", example="") meta: Optional[Meta] = None standardized: bool = Field(False, exclude=True) subject: Optional[Reference] = Field( default=None, example=Reference(prefix="chebi", identifier="99998") ) predicate: Optional[Reference] = Field( default=None, example=Reference(prefix="rdfs", identifier="subClassOf") ) object: Optional[Reference] = Field( default=None, example=Reference(prefix="chebi", identifier="24995") )
[docs] def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Get the edge as a tuple.""" if self.subject is None or self.predicate is None or self.object is None: raise ValueError return self.subject.curie, self.predicate.curie, self.object.curie
[docs] def standardize(self) -> Self: """Standardize the edge.""" if self.meta: self.meta.standardize() self.subject = _get_reference(self.sub) self.predicate = _get_reference(self.pred) self.object = _get_reference(self.obj) self.standardized = True return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_parsed( cls, s: Reference, p: Reference, o: Reference, meta: Optional[Meta] = None ) -> "Edge": """Construct an edge object from pre-standardized content.""" return Edge( sub=s.curie, pred=p.curie, obj=o.curie, standardized=True, subject=s, predicate=p, object=o, meta=meta, )
def _help_get_properties(self, predicate_iris: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[str]: if not self.meta: return [] if isinstance(predicate_iris, str): predicate_iris = [predicate_iris] return [ prop.value.curie if prop.value else prop.value_raw for prop in or [] if any(prop.predicate_raw == predicate_iri for predicate_iri in predicate_iris) ]
[docs] class Node(BaseModel, StandardizeMixin): """Represents a node in an OBO Graph.""" id: str = Field(..., description="The IRI for the node") name: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="lbl", description="The name of the node") meta: Optional[Meta] = None type: Literal["CLASS", "PROPERTY", "INDIVIDUAL"] = Field(..., description="Type of node") # Extras beyond OBO Graph spec reference: Optional[Reference] = None standardized: bool = Field(False, exclude=True) @property def prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the prefix for the node if it has been standardized.""" return self.reference and self.reference.prefix @property def identifier(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the identifier for the node if it has been standardized.""" return self.reference and self.reference.identifier
[docs] def standardize(self) -> Self: """Ground the node to a standard prefix and luid based on its id (URI).""" prefix, identifier = _parse_uri_or_curie_or_str( if prefix and identifier: self.reference = Reference(prefix=prefix, identifier=identifier) if ="\n", " ").replace(" ", " ") if self.meta: self.meta.standardize() self.standardized = True return self
@property def curie(self) -> str: """Get the CURIE string representing this node or error if not normalized.""" if not self.reference: raise ValueError(f"can not give curie for node {}") return self.reference.curie @property def deprecated(self) -> bool: """Get if the node is deprecated.""" if self.meta is None: return False return self.meta.deprecated @property def synonyms(self) -> List[Synonym]: """Get the synonyms for the node.""" if self.meta and self.meta.synonyms: return self.meta.synonyms return [] @property def xrefs(self) -> List[Xref]: """Get the xrefs for the node.""" rv = [] skip_skos = { "definition", "altLabel", "example", "prefLabel", "note", "scopeNote", "changeNote", "editorialNote", "hasTopConcept", "notation", "historyNote", "inScheme", } if self.meta: for xref in self.meta.xrefs or []: if not xref.predicate or not xref.value or xref.value.prefix in PROVENANCE_PREFIXES: continue rv.append(xref) for prop in or []: if prop.predicate is None: continue if prop.predicate.prefix == "skos" and prop.predicate.identifier not in skip_skos: if prop.value is None: WARNED[prop.value_raw] += 1 continue rv.append( Xref( val=prop.value.curie, predicate_raw=prop.predicate.curie, value=prop.value, predicate=prop.predicate, standardized=True, ) ) return rv @property def properties(self) -> List[Property]: """Get the properties for this node.""" if not self.meta or is None: return [] # TODO filter out ones grabbed by other getters return @property def replaced_by(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the identifier that this node was replaced by.""" preds = ["", "IAO:0100001", "iao:0100001"] rv = self._get_property(preds) if not rv: return None return manager.normalize_curie(rv) @property def alternative_ids(self) -> List[str]: """Get the alernative identifiers for this node.""" preds = [ "", "oboinowl:hasAlternativeId", "oboInOwl:hasAlternativeId", ] rv = [] for curie in self._get_properties(preds): norm_curie = manager.normalize_curie(curie) if norm_curie: rv.append(norm_curie) else: logger.warning("could not parse CURIE: %s", curie) return rv @property def namespace(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OBO namespace.""" preds = [ "", "oboinowl:hasOBONamespace", ] return self._get_property(preds) @property def created_by(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the creator of the node.""" preds = ["", "oboinowl:created_by"] return self._get_property(preds) @property def creation_date(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the creation date of the node.""" preds = [ "", "oboinowl:creation_date", ] return self._get_property(preds) @property def definition(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the definition of the node.""" if self.meta and self.meta.definition: return self.meta.definition.value return None def _get_property(self, pred: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Optional[str]: p = self._get_properties(pred) return p[0] if p else None def _get_properties(self, pred: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[str]: return _help_get_properties(self, pred)
[docs] def parse_curie(self) -> MaybeCURIE: """Parse the identifier into a pair, assuming it's a CURIE.""" return _parse_uri_or_curie_or_str(
@property def definition_provenance(self) -> List[Reference]: """Get the provenance CURIEs for the definition.""" if self.meta and self.meta.definition and self.meta.definition.references: return self.meta.definition.references return []
[docs] def get_provenance(self) -> List[Reference]: """Get provenance CURIEs from definition and xrefs.""" return list( itt.chain( ( reference for reference in self.definition_provenance if reference.prefix in PROVENANCE_PREFIXES ), ( xref.value for xref in self.xrefs if xref.value and xref.value.prefix in PROVENANCE_PREFIXES ), ) )
[docs] class Graph(BaseModel, StandardizeMixin): """A graph corresponds to an ontology.""" id: Optional[str] = None meta: Optional[Meta] = None nodes: List[Node] = Field(default_factory=list) edges: List[Edge] = Field(default_factory=list) equivalentNodesSets: List[Any] = Field(default_factory=list) # noqa:N815 logicalDefinitionAxioms: List[Any] = Field(default_factory=list) # noqa:N815 domainRangeAxioms: List[Any] = Field(default_factory=list) # noqa:N815 propertyChainAxioms: List[Any] = Field(default_factory=list) # noqa:N815 # Extras beyond the OBO Graph spec prefix: Optional[str] = None standardized: bool = Field(False, exclude=True) @property def roots(self) -> List[str]: """Get the ontology root terms.""" return self._get_properties( [ "", "IAO:0000700", ] ) @property def license(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the license of the ontology.""" return self._get_property("") @property def title(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the title of the ontology.""" return self._get_property("") @property def description(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the license of the ontology.""" return self._get_property("") @property def version_iri(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the version of the ontology.""" return self.meta and self.meta.version @property def version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the version of the ontology.""" rv = self._get_property("") if rv: return rv version_iri = self.version_iri if not version_iri: return None "" if version_iri.startswith(OBO_URI_PREFIX): # the last part is prefix.owl, the penultimate part should be th version return version_iri.split("/")[-2] return None @property def default_namespace(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the version of the ontology.""" return self._get_property("") def _get_property(self, pred: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Optional[str]: p = self._get_properties(pred) return p[0] if p else None def _get_properties(self, pred: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[str]: return _help_get_properties(self, pred)
[docs] def standardize( self, keep_invalid: bool = False, use_tqdm: bool = True, nodes: bool = True, edges: bool = True, tqdm_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Self: """Standardize the OBO graph. :param keep_invalid: Should CURIEs/IRIs that aren't handled by the Bioregistry be kept? Defaults to false. :param use_tqdm: Should a progress bar be used? :param tqdm_kwargs: Arguments to pass to tqdm if used :param prefix: The prefix this graph came from (used for logging purposes) :param nodes: Should nodes be standardized? :param edges: Should edges be standardized? :returns: This OBO graph, modified in place as follows: 1. Convert IRIs to CURIEs (in many places) using :mod:`bioregistry` 2. Add alternative identifiers to :class:`Node` objects """ self.standardized = True if self.meta: self.meta.standardize() if nodes: _node_tqdm_kwargs = dict( desc="standardizing nodes" if not prefix else f"[{prefix}] standardizing nodes", unit_scale=True, disable=not use_tqdm, ) if tqdm_kwargs: _node_tqdm_kwargs.update(tqdm_kwargs) for node in tqdm(self.nodes, **_node_tqdm_kwargs): node.standardize() if edges: _edge_tqdm_kwargs = dict( desc="standardizing edges" if not prefix else f"[{prefix}] standardizing edges", unit_scale=True, disable=not use_tqdm, ) if tqdm_kwargs: _edge_tqdm_kwargs.update(tqdm_kwargs) for edge in tqdm(self.edges, **_edge_tqdm_kwargs): edge.standardize() if self.prefix is None: self._standardize_prefix() return self
def _standardize_prefix(self): if not return if in IRI_TO_PREFIX: self.prefix = IRI_TO_PREFIX[] elif""): for suffix in [".owl", ".obo", ".json"]: if not continue prefix = ("") .removesuffix(suffix) .removesuffix("_import") ) if prefix != bioregistry.normalize_prefix(prefix): tqdm.write(f"could not guess prefix from {}") return self.prefix = prefix return
[docs] def get_alternative_ids(self) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]: """Get a mapping of primary identifiers to secondary identifiers.""" rv = defaultdict(set) for node in self.nodes: if node.replaced_by: rv[node.replaced_by].add( for x in node.alternative_ids: rv[x].add( return {k: sorted(v) for k, v in rv.items()}
[docs] def nodes_from(self, prefix: str) -> Iterable[Node]: """Iterate non-deprecated nodes whose identifiers start with the given prefix.""" self.raise_on_unstandardized() for node in self.nodes: if node.deprecated: continue if not node.prefix == prefix: continue yield node
[docs] def get_xrefs(self) -> List[Tuple[Reference, Reference, Reference]]: """Get all database cross-references from the ontology.""" rv = [] for node in self.nodes: if node.reference is None: continue for xref in node.xrefs: if xref.value is None or " " in xref.value.identifier: tqdm.write(f"node {} with space in xref {xref.value_raw}") continue rv.append((node.reference, xref.predicate, xref.value)) return rv
def _get_edge_predicate_label(self, edge: Edge, ctn, require_label: bool = False) -> str: if edge.predicate: label = get_normalized_label(edge.predicate.curie) if label: return label label = ctn.get(edge.predicate.curie) if label: return label_norm(label) label = get_normalized_label(edge.pred) if label: return label if edge.predicate.curie not in MISSING_PREDICATE_LABELS: MISSING_PREDICATE_LABELS.add(edge.predicate.curie) msg = f"bioontologies.obograph could not find a label for {self.prefix} CURIE {edge.predicate.curie}" if require_label: raise ValueError(msg) tqdm.write(msg) return edge.predicate.curie label = get_normalized_label(edge.pred) if label: return label if edge.pred not in MISSING_PREDICATE_LABELS: MISSING_PREDICATE_LABELS.add(edge.pred) tqdm.write(f"No CURIE/label for {edge.pred}") return edge.pred
[docs] def get_edges_df(self, *, require_labels: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get all triples as a dataframe.""" self.raise_on_unstandardized() if self.prefix is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse prefix in {}") columns = [":START_ID", ":TYPE", ":END_ID", "curie"] ctn = self.get_curie_to_name() rows = sorted( ( edge.subject.curie, self._get_edge_predicate_label(edge, ctn=ctn, require_label=require_labels), edge.object.curie, edge.predicate.curie, ) for edge in self.edges if edge.subject and edge.predicate and edge.object and edge.subject.prefix == self.prefix ) # Add provenance relations rows.extend( ( node.curie, "definition_source", "iao:0000119", definition_p.curie, ) for node in self.nodes if node.reference for definition_p in node.definition_provenance ) return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns).drop_duplicates()
[docs] def get_sssom_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get a SSSOM dataframe of mappings.""" self.raise_on_unstandardized() if self.prefix is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse prefix in {}") columns = [ "source_id", "source_label", "predicate_id", "object_id", ] # TODO add justification? rows = [ ( node.curie,, xref.predicate.curie, xref.value.curie, ) for node in self.nodes if node.prefix == self.prefix for xref in node.xrefs if xref.predicate and xref.value ] return pd.DataFrame(sorted(rows), columns=columns)
[docs] def get_nodes_df(self, sep: str = ";") -> pd.DataFrame: """Get a nodes dataframe appropriate for serialization.""" self.raise_on_unstandardized() if self.prefix is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse prefix in {}") columns = [ "curie:ID", "name:string", "synonyms:string[]", "synonym_predicates:string[]", "synonym_types:string[]", "definition:string", "deprecated:boolean", "type:string", "provenance:string[]", "alts:string[]", "replaced_by:string", "xrefs:string[]", "xref_types:string[]", "version:string", ] version = self.version rows = [] for node in self.nodes: if node.prefix != self.prefix: continue synonym_predicates, synonym_types, synonym_values = [], [], [] for synonym in node.synonyms: if synonym.predicate and synonym.synonym_type and synonym.value: synonym_predicates.append(synonym.predicate.curie) synonym_types.append(synonym.synonym_type.curie) synonym_values.append(synonym.value) xref_types, xref_values = [], [] for xref in node.xrefs: if xref.predicate and xref.value: xref_types.append(xref.predicate.curie) xref_values.append(xref.value.curie) # prop_types, prop_values = [], [] rows.append( ( node.curie,, sep.join(synonym_values), sep.join(synonym_predicates), sep.join(synonym_types), node.definition, "true" if node.deprecated else "false", node.type, sep.join(reference.curie for reference in node.get_provenance()), sep.join(node.alternative_ids), node.replaced_by, sep.join(xref_values), sep.join(xref_types), version, ) ) return pd.DataFrame(sorted(rows), columns=columns)
[docs] def get_incoming_xrefs(self, prefix: str) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get incoming xrefs. :param prefix: An external prefix. :returns: A dictionary of external local unique identifiers to local unique identifiers in this ontology """ ontology_prefix = self.prefix or self.default_namespace return { xref.identifier: node.identifier for node, _predicate, xref in self.get_xrefs() if xref.prefix == prefix and node.prefix == ontology_prefix }
[docs] def get_curie_to_name(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a mapping from CURIEs to names.""" return { node.curie: for node in self.nodes if and node.reference is not None }
[docs] def get_networkx(self): """Get a networkx multi-directional graph.""" import networkx as nx graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() for edge in self.edges: if edge.subject and edge.predicate and edge.object: graph.add_edge(edge.subject.curie, edge.object.curie, key=edge.predicate.curie) names = self.get_curie_to_name() for node in graph: if node in names: graph.nodes[node]["name"] = names[node] return graph
def _parse_uri_or_curie_or_str( s: str, *, debug: bool = False ) -> Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[None, None]]: """Ground the node to a standard prefix and luid based on its id (URI).""" reference_tuple = omni_parse(s, debug=debug) if reference_tuple is None: return None, None resource = manager.get_resource(reference_tuple.prefix) if resource is None: return None, None return resource.prefix, resource.standardize_identifier(reference_tuple.identifier) def _get_reference(s: str, *, debug: bool = False) -> Optional[Reference]: p, i = _parse_uri_or_curie_or_str(s, debug=debug) if p and i: return Reference(prefix=p, identifier=i) return None def _get_references(strings: List[str]) -> List[Reference]: references = [_get_reference(s) for s in strings] rv = [reference for reference in references if reference is not None] return rv WARNED: typing.Counter[str] = Counter() YEARS = {f"{n}-" for n in range(1000, 2030)} def write_warned(path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Write warned unparsable.""" path = Path(path).resolve() path.write_text("\n".join(f"{k}\t{v}" for k, v in sorted(WARNED.items()))) def _parse_obo_rel(s: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[ReferenceTuple]: _, inner_identifier = identifier.split("#", 1) _p, _i = ground_relation(inner_identifier) if _p and _i: return ReferenceTuple(_p, _i) if s not in WARNED: tqdm.write(f"could not parse OBO internal relation: {s}") WARNED[s] += 1 return None @lru_cache(1) def _get_converter(): return bioregistry.manager.get_converter(include_prefixes=True) def omni_parse(s: str, *, debug: bool = False) -> Optional[ReferenceTuple]: """Parse a string, CURIE, or IRI into a proper refernce, if possible.""" from .upgrade import insert, upgrade s = s.replace(" ", "") cv = upgrade(s) if cv is not None: return cv prefix, identifier = _get_converter().parse_uri(s) if prefix and identifier: if prefix == "obo" and "#" in identifier: return _parse_obo_rel(s, identifier) return ReferenceTuple(prefix, identifier) if "" in s: return None for x in [ "", "", ]: if s.startswith(x): prefix, identifier = ground_relation(s[len(x) :]) if prefix and identifier: insert(s, prefix, identifier) return ReferenceTuple(prefix, identifier) if s not in WARNED: tqdm.write(f"could not parse legacy RO: {s}") WARNED[s] += 1 prefix, identifier = ground_relation(s) if prefix and identifier: return ReferenceTuple(prefix, identifier) # couldn't parse anything... if debug and ( not s.startswith("_:") and " " not in s and "" not in s and "violinID:" not in s and s[:5] not in YEARS and not s.isnumeric() ): if s not in WARNED: tqdm.write(f"could not parse {s}") WARNED[s] += 1 return None
[docs] class GraphDocument(BaseModel): """Represents a list of OBO graphs.""" graphs: List[Graph]
[docs] def standardize(self) -> Self: """Standardize all graphs in the document.""" for graph in self.graphs: graph.standardize() return self
[docs] def guess(self, prefix: str) -> Graph: """Guess the primary graph.""" if 1 == len(self.graphs): return self.graphs[0] id_to_graph = { graph for graph in self.graphs if} for suffix in ["owl", "obo", "json"]: standard_id = f"{prefix.lower()}.{suffix}" if standard_id in id_to_graph: return id_to_graph[standard_id] if prefix in CANONICAL and CANONICAL[prefix] in id_to_graph: return id_to_graph[CANONICAL[prefix]] raise ValueError(f"Several graphs in {prefix}: {sorted(id_to_graph)}")